Belgian Children's Costume - Holocaust Prisoner

Arutz 7 |

Jewish shoppers in Belgium's large Delhaize supermarket chain were shocked last week to find a unique children's costume on the store's shelves. The costume - striped prisoner's uniforms from the Nazi death camps of the Holocaust.

Jean Bricmont, le M. Prudhomme de la liberté d'expression

Marianne |

Jean Bricmont entend désormais assumer le leadership dans la défense de toute la quincaillerie extrémiste, antisémite et négationniste qui prospère à nouveau dans notre pays à la faveur des moyens de propagande démultipliés du Web, du vide politique, de l'oubli aussi.

Belgian supermarket chain recalls Nazi prisoner costume


A Belgian supermarket chain has recalled a costume that is meant to allow children to dress up as prisoners of a Nazi concentration camp. The recall was announced Friday by the Delhaize chain in a news release it issued conjointly with the Belgian League against Anti-Semitism, or LBCA.

Supermarket sells carnival costume reproducing extermination camp uniform

European Jewish Press |

A resident of Ixelles, a municipality in Brussels, had the unpleasant surprise to find while shopping this week in a supermarket of the Delhaize chain a carnival costume from the Funny Fashion brand which reproduces the striped uniforms of the Nazi extermination camps, the fashion magazine Elle Belgium reported on its website.

Belgia: Karnawał w... obozowym pasiaku?

Wiadomości24 |

Belgijska sieć supermarketów zdegustowała swoich klientów karnawałową ofertą. Kostium dla dzieci jaki proponowano, to udana imitacja pasiaka w jaki przebierano więźniów nazistowskich obozów koncentracyjnych.

Belgien: Supermarkt entfernt Häftlingskostüm

Die Welt |

Die belgische Supermarktkette Delhaize hat nach Protesten von Verbrauchern und kritischen Medienberichten ein Karnevalskostüm für Kinder aus dem Verkauf genommen. Das gestreifte, pyjamaähnliche Kleidungsstück mit Stoffkappe der Linie «Funny Fashion» erinnert an die Kluft von Häftlingen in NS-Konzentrationslagern.